Sometimes you see things differently just because you put them in a different order, like some games of cards. While deciding the order of my slides for this week’s presentation, I noticed something new for me.

By the way, wasn’t tenor the lower voice at the beginning?

I don’t know anything about this source, the provenience, the context of the scene, and why it was dated XVIII century and not XVII. The clothes fashion maybe? I would appreciate comments and suggestions.

Updates from our workshop and featured video of the week
Our video is out!🤩 We have to admit we are proud of it and grateful to the wonderful people that worked hard with us to make it possible. It is out on YouTube since last weekend. It had moving comments on socials like:
“I can’t stop watching it”
“I got chills when the vocalist started her part. Lovely!”
“This is the absolute good, the hardworking genius, Heaven. What happened in my city last week is hell on earth.” (Eurocontest is what happened in Turin last week)
“This is pure poetry”
“Magic. So much peace and harmony in these troubled times.”
“Magnificent instrument with a wonderful voice for an excellent work and singing”
You may like to watch it, or to watch it once again if you already did.
Just got some updates from Barry Pearce! The third image is from a paravent commissioned in Provence between 1701 and 1765. You can find all details here: