
Some more music to discover on the cello da spalla

Bonus: slow motion of Malov’s shifting of position.

Recurring question:

shall I change my thumb technique to support the instrument for position shiftings?

Hope the video above, made while Sergey Malov was trying Alessandro’s cello, will give you an answer.

This week we are in Grado, a beautiful old little town on an isle just on the west of the gulf of Trieste. We are here for a piccolo flute festival, no time to enjoy the sea, and quite suffering from a very hot weather!

As a consequence, not only this newsletter will not follow the usual format, but also I admit I took a shortcut this week. It was not intentional, but came out perfectly. I was looking for something new to practice on the Violoncello da Spalla and I thought, instead of buying random music, to ask for the suggestion of the editor Alessandro Bares, Musedita Edition, who is specialized in music from the XVII and XVIII century. They make clear and reliable modern edition starting from original manuscript. Most are printed editions, but some of them are also downloadable online.

Violoncello da Spalla
Repertoire: G. B. degli Antonii - Strings: single wound basses that work - the Wagner’s voice
This issue will not follow the usual format, as this week got so far from any usual format that I feel the urgency to share all the news at once. I cannot keep them for three separate issues! You already got the plan in the title, so let’s go straight to it…
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Violoncello da Spalla
What to play on violoncello da Spalla: Francesco Supriani
At this link https://imslp.org/wiki/Principij_da_imparare_%C3%A0_suonare_il_violoncello_e_con_12_Toccate_%C3%A0_solo_(Supriani%2C_Francesco_Paolo) we can find a method by Francesco Paolo Supriani (1678-1753), whose title translates: “Principles to learn to play the cello, with 12 solo Toccatas…
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So I paste here for you his answer. I leave to you to better investigate how suitable this music is for playing da spalla (I asked for music suitable for five strings cello or tenor cello), but I think the most of it is, it is all the right time and place

.- Antonio Bononcini: 12 sonate (vcl e bc) https://shop.musedita.it/epages/192070.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/192070/Products/BO6VC

- Giacomo Cattaneo, Sonata (id.) https://shop.musedita.it/epages/192070.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/192070/Products/CA4SO

- Giuseppe Chinzer, 6 sonate op.1 (id) https://shop.musedita.it/epages/192070.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/192070/Products/CH201

- Giuseppe Colombi, 4 composizioni (vcl e bc, vcl solo) https://shop.musedita.it/epages/192070.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/192070/Products/CO2VC

- Domenico Galli, Trattenimento (vcl solo) https://shop.musedita.it/epages/192070.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/192070/Products/GA1TR

- Fiorè. 2 sonate e 3 sinfonie (vcl e bc) https://shop.musedita.it/epages/192070.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/192070/Products/FI223

- A.M.Fiorè, 4 Sonate (vcl e bc) https://shop.musedita.it/epages/192070.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/192070/Products/FI21B

- Gabrielli, Le composizioni per violoncello https://shop.musedita.it/epages/192070.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/192070/Products/GA4VC

- Garavaglia, Sonata (vcl e bc) https://shop.musedita.it/epages/192070.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/192070/Products/GA7SO

- Antonio Giannotti, Sonata (vcl e bc) https://shop.musedita.it/epages/192070.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/192070/Products/GI1SO

I live the research task to you this time, comments below about what you find suitable or not, or additions, are more than welcome!

Updates from our workshop

Necks are in place and we’re both starting to carve the plates!