J. P. Eisel: an amateur cellist on Violoncello da Spalla
J. P. Eisel (Erfurt 1698/1763), worked in Erfurt as a lawyer and versatile amateur musician, as well as an “excellent” cellist. “As a composer he had a special talent in imitating the manner of other good composers” (from Ernst Ludwig Gerber, Historisch-Biographisches Lexicon der Tonkünstler, Leipzig 1790). The textbook Musicus autodidactus, contains important information on the design and playing of instruments from the first half of the 18th century.

News from da Spalla world
If you want to know where you can go and hear live Sergey Malov, here is the link with his future engagements. Don’t do like us, that we disceovered just by chance that he was playing a concert in two days at only two hours drive from home, but we were already busy and unable to change plans!
Updates from our workshop
This newsletter is 24 hours late, because yesterday we went to Cremona Mondomusica, we met a lot of friends and colleagues, we spent a lot of money in gorgeous old wood, and we were so busy and excited that we didn’t took pictures to document all that!
This past week we also started our judo and karate classes: we have two new groups this year in the close by village, so it’s looking busy but good!
Featured video of the week
While we are sending this newsletter a concert featuring two Spalla has just happened in Japan, and another featuring original transcriptions for Violoncello da Spalla and soprano is taking place in UK. It’s a sparkly moment! But we do not have videos of these latest events yet. Hopefully next week!
By now, enjoy this newly written concert from Hong Kong:
And, not da Spalla related, but I’m sure you will enjoy this beautiful video okayed on two viola d’amore by the Fernandez. (It just popped in my email box while writing!)